Comparison of the features of the relationship between children and parents according to the birth order in the family hierarchy

  • Нanna Anatoliivna Krupnyk,
Keywords: parent-child relationship, family group research, first and second child according to the birth order in family, educative competence of parents


The article reviews the results of the study of the state of the modern nuclear family. The author analyses scientific papers of the prominent domestic and foreign contemporary scientists in the area of the parent-child relations. It covers the features of the interrelation of parents with the first-and second-born children from the standpoint of the very respondents. The choice of methods for this group of respondents is substantiated. Purpose is to analyze the level of the development of parent-child relations and to compare the results of the groups according to the birth order of children in the family hierarchy. Methods: the questionnaire “Parents – Child Interaction” (the author is I. Markovska), which contains 10 bipolar scales; statistical processing of empirical data and graphical presentation of results are carried out using the statistical program “MS Excel”. Results: mother’s behavior towards the second child is more demanding, with a higher level of responsibility and expectations, as well as a more balanced and controlling. It may be manifested in petty care, obtrusiveness, restraint, and general psychological infantilization of the younger child. As for the relations with father, the second-born children in the nuclear family show their closeness to him and have a desire to share the most secret and important things with him. The author also finds out that the first-born child negatively describes his relations with father (disagreement, liberalism, excessive softness), and the frequency and degree of the agreement are traced regarding the second child in various life situations. The second child more positively comments his interrelation with father than the first-born. Conclusions: the relations of respondents with their parents are diametrically opposed when comparing the first child with the second. The principal provisions of research findings are the foundation for the development of specific recommendations which will be useful and assist the practical family psychologist consulting in such sub-systems as siblings, parent-child and marital relationships.


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How to Cite
Krupnyk, Н. A. (2020). Comparison of the features of the relationship between children and parents according to the birth order in the family hierarchy. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (3), 97-108.