Requirements for articles




  1. Articles in Ukrainian or English of a problematic, empirical, experimental nature, which have not been published before and are not under review in other journals, are accepted for publication in the scientific journal “IPDS”.
  2. Manuscript submission deadlines: during the year. The article may be accepted for publication in the journal’s current or further issues. The time it takes for an article to be printed from the time it is accepted and approved by the editors ranges from three months to a year on average.
  3. Articles by one, two, or three co-authors are accepted for review. A greater number of co-authors is possible if the manuscript’s content is the result of joint scientific research conducted within the framework of grants and scientific projects on state budget topics. This must be stated in the article and supported by corresponding documents. The editorial board makes a decision to increase the number of authors. During a given year, “IPDS” accepts only one author’s manuscript for consideration, review, and possible publication. If the article has multiple Authors, this applies to the Main Author (first in order), who is primarily responsible for the manuscript’s content and design.
  4. Manuscripts of articles sent to editors must include the following: a license agreement, a file containing information about the author(s), and an article file (pages are not numbered).
  5. The license agreement is signed by the author(s) of the article and the editorial board of the scientific journal. The authors retain all copyright while also granting the journal first publication rights.
  6. The following information about the author(s) must be included in the file: full name, first name, patronymic; position, place of work, country; scientific title, scientific degree; contact information (phone, email address); ORCID code; Scopus Author ID (if available). The authors’ information must be provided in two languages: Ukrainian and English (according to the “Information about the author” form).
  7. Size of the article file: 25,000 – 30,000 characters with spaces (font 12), excluding annotation and literature. The article is submitted in a single file that includes one annotation (in the language of the article text), keywords, text with figures and tables, and a list of the sources used. The use of macros is prohibited. The authors translate the article into English once the Ukrainian text has been approved. Respectively, after the English text of the article has been approved, the editorial board organizes the translation into Ukrainian.
  8. After receiving the article, the “IPDS” Ethics Committee determines whether the manuscript corresponds to the journal’s aim and scope, and appoints an editor and two reviewers. Reviewers conduct anonymous reviews. A double-blind review is used. The editor corresponds with the Main Author (corresponding author) and is responsible for ensuring that the article is ready for printing and meets all requirements.
  9. Articles with an empirical component are mainly accepted. Purely theoretical works will be published in a limited number and only if they have significant scientific relevance.
  10. The scientific journal’s editorial board uses the certified program “Strike Plagiarism” to check articles for plagiarism.


 The Article’s Structure and Requirements for Manuscript Text Design

  1. The following mandatory sections should be included in the article’s structure (the approximate volume of the corresponding section is given in brackets): Introduction (~ 15%), Methods (~ 25%), Results (~ 40%), Discussion (~ 15%), Conclusions (~ 5%), References.
  2. A4 format. Margins on all sides – 20 mm; font – 12; line spacing is 1.0.
  3. The article title is aligned in width (font - Times New Roman (TNR) 12, semi-bold, interval after - 12 pt). The article title (no more than nine words) must accurately correspond to the research purpose, which specifies the type of research, and contain the theoretical constructs, variables, and relationships between them studied in the work.
  4. An abstract of at least 1,800 characters without spaces (one paragraph, without indentation, approximately 250 to 350 words) – with width alignment, structured (according to the logic of the description of the material in the article), contains the following elements: Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should not repeat the text of the article, as well as its title, references, and abbreviations. TNR 10 pt font.
  5. Keywords (5-7 separate words and/or as part of several word combinations used in the text) - width aligned, none of which duplicate the article title (font TNR 10, interval after – 12 pt). The total number of words, not including conjunctions, should not exceed 12-15. It is not advisable to use laboratory jargon or neologisms.
  6. The Introduction is a required section of the work in which the author indicates the novelty of the topic and the relevance of scientific solutions, as well as the social value of research in global science dimensions. The author conducts a brief review of the literature, which is required for the formulation of the hypothesis and the study’s purpose. Sources are cited if they contain information necessary for the development of the research methodology. The introduction is presented in the past tense, with an indication of what and who was clarified, researched, and explained. Unsolved problems, as well as things that require empirical measurement and explanation, must be noted. Theoretical analysis should not be limited to citations of authors who have researched the topic. It should include a concise summary of the authors’ data, emphasizing directions, trends, and approaches to understanding the problem. The names of scientists cannot be listed. It is required to develop one or more hypotheses (Hypothesis). The purpose must be stated clearly. If necessary, research tasks can be developed alongside the purpose.
  7. Citing sources indexed in Scopus that reflect the current state of the research subject is prioritized. Preference should be given to sources from the last 2-3 years. Research findings in the history of psychology and research with a strong retrospective orientation may be exceptions.
  8. The Methods section should include all the information required for the Reviewer and Reader to understand the work as well as independent replication of the research. The following sections, with the following rubric, are required: Participants, Variables, Procedures and instruments, Organization of research, and Statistical analysis.
  9. It is critical to present the listed subdivisions logically while keeping the reproducibility of the research and the relevance of the used psychodiagnostic methods in mind. If necessary, the study’s methodology, which is presented in the first subsection, is outlined. Following that, a description of the mandatory subdivisions is provided.
  10. Participants: number, gender, and age (descriptive frequency characteristics are used in the presentation of these data). Important research characteristics, such as the status, sample formation method, study base, and all other data required to prove the representativeness of the sample, are also provided.
  11. Variables. Operationalization of theoretical definitions and access to measured parameters.
  12. Procedures and instruments describe the research design, which should correspond to the purpose and hypotheses. It is necessary to adhere to the ethical standards of conducting research with humans and animals. All research methods and devices are described. The source is cited for psychodiagnostic methods. The name of the test, version, date of validation or adaptation, and main psychometric characteristics are all listed.
  13. Organization of research describes the applied research strategy, organization, and sequence of empirical measurements, the logic and expediency of applied research stages.
  14. Statistical analysis includes details on software applications used for mathematical and analytical data processing, as well as graphic editors for creating tables, figures, and diagrams. The methods and coefficients used to determine statistical reliability are listed, as are the levels of reliability. The legality of using this or that method is substantiated.
  15. The article must include substantiated research Results. Specific data, presented through descriptive frequency characteristics, should be included in the description of the empirical results to confirm the statistical reliability of the obtained results. It is necessary to justify the use of each descriptive characteristic dimension in the study.
  16. Empirical data must be presented in the form of tables, graphs, and diagrams, with subsequent interpretation. The results must be presented accurately, without any material that casts doubt on their sufficiency. Quantity units and formulas must be expressed in accordance with the International System (SI units). All measurements must be in metric units. Decimal fractions are given after a period, without a comma and a zero before the period (correct .25; incorrect 0.25 and incorrect 0,25). Figures must be submitted in their original source files. Tables that have been scanned should not be included in the manuscript.
  17. Statistics use the standard abbreviations and symbols listed below:

n – sample size;

n1, n2, nk, – the number of groups identified in the sample 1, 2, k;

М – the distribution’s mean;

Me – the distribution’s median;

Mo – the distribution mode;

Mo1, Mo2, Mon – the multimodal distributions’ mode values;

min, max – the distribution’s minimum and maximum value;

Rng – the distribution range;

Q1 – the distribution’s first quartile value;

Q3 – the distribution’s third quartile value;

Qrng – the distribution’s interquartile range;

SD2 – the distribution’s variance;

SD – standard deviation;

SE – standard error;

CV – coefficient of variation;

H0 – the null hypothesis;

H1 – an alternative hypothesis;

df – the number of degrees of freedom;

R – Pearson’s correlation coefficient;

rs – Spearman’s correlation coefficient;

R2 – determination coefficient.

  1. Tables are presented in the text of the article after the first reference (Table 1) and must have an italicized title. The table’s name should correspond to its content. There should be no more than ten columns in the table. Arabic numerals are used to number the tables. One table in the manuscript is not numbered. The word (Table) appears at the start of the line with left alignment, followed by the table’s name. Vertical and horizontal lines are used. It is not advised to use abbreviations other than those commonly used. This format is used for all subsequent references to the table (see Table 1). Tables must be created in Microsoft Word. Tables should be as brief as possible and should not repeat the text of the article.
  2. Figures given in the text of the article must have an italicized title after the first indication (Fig. I). The figure’s name should correspond to its content. This form is used in all subsequent references to the figure (see Fig. I). The authors are responsible for the quality of their graphics. Alignment and grouping of objects are required for graphics created in Microsoft Word. Arabic numerals are used to number the figures. One figure in the manuscript is unnumbered. The word (Fig.) appears at the beginning of the line with width alignment, followed by the figure’s name. Figures should complement the text of the article without duplicating it and should not exceed one sheet of A4 format (with the title and, if necessary, notes). Scanned images should qualitatively reflect the image’s smallest elements and indices.
  3. Formulas must be presented in Microsoft Equation format (one of the latest versions).
  4. In the text, the following “quotes” should be used; if there are double quotes, they should be written as follows: «“quotes”». In the text, one space should be used between words. Use a non-breaking space between the initials and the last name if necessary.
  5. The Discussion section provides a qualitative justification for the statistical results. The obtained results are explained in relation to the study’s hypothesis and purpose. It must withstand the exact correspondence of statistical hypotheses and conclusions requiring statistical justification. To clarify correspondence and/or contradictions, the obtained results are compared with the results of other studies (with similar key aspects of the measurement procedure but with differences in purpose and hypothesis). The research’s novelty and theoretical and practical significance are established. The author describes the methods for operationalizing the obtained results and places them in the context of global science and practice.
  6. Conclusions from the research should be included in the article. If tasks have been defined, the number of conclusions should be proportional to the number of tasks. The conclusions present detailed specific summary based on the research findings. The conclusion provides an opportunity to demonstrate the significance of the discussed ideas and to direct the Reader’s and Reviewer’s attention to something new on this topic. This is also an opportunity to leave a positive impression and end the article on a high note.
  7. The author’s notes are drawn up at the end of the pages as a footnote using the symbol *. If the note comes after the table or figure, it is indicated as Note (TNR 9 pt., single space).
  8. The article’s length is 25,000 - 30,000 characters with spaces (font 12) (main text excluding the list of references and abstract.
  9. References – APA style (heading – TNR 12 pt.).
  10. The bibliographic description of the list of used sources is drawn up taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Provisions and Rules of Drafting” developed in 2015.
  11. The bibliographic descriptions are listed in the order they appear in References (without numbering). TNR 12 pt.
  12. The references in the English version of the article are formatted according to the APA standard. Author (transliteration), the title of the article (transliteration), the title of the article (English translation in square brackets), title of the article (English translation in square brackets), the title of the publication (transliteration), and through a dash the name of the publication in English, name of the source (transliteration), name of the source in English language, source data (city with English designation), publisher (translit).
  13. An example of an article design published in “IPDS” in 2019 (article text in Ukrainian) in the Ukrainian version of the List of used sources:

Каленчук В. О. Соціальний статус студента як чинник оцінки організаційної культури університету. Інсайт: психологічні виміри суспільства. 2019. № 2. С. 72–77.

  1. An example of the design of the article published in “IPDS” in 2019 (text in Ukrainian) in the English version of References, using transliteration:

Kalenchuk, V. O. (2019). Sotsial’nyy status studenta yak chynnyk otsinky orhanizatsiynoyi kul’tury universytetu [Student’s Social Status as a Factor of Assessment of the University’s Organizational Culture]. Insayt: psykholohichni vymiry suspil’stva – Insight: the psychological dimensions of society], 2, 72–77.

  1. An example of the article design published in “IPDS” after 2019, when the journal has two versions (English and Ukrainian) in the Ukrainian version of the List of the sources used:

Плохіх В. В. Обмеження психологічних захистів на формування часової перспективи студентів. Інсайт: психологічні виміри суспільства. 2022. № 8. С. 39–55.

  1. An example of the article design published in “IPDS” after 2019, when the journal has two versions (English and Ukrainian) of References:

Plokhikh, V. V. (2022). Limitation of psychological defense on the formation of students’ time perspective. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 8, 39–55.

  1. An example of the article design (multiple authors) in the Ukrainian version of the List of the sources used:

Hudimova, A., Popovych, I., Savchuk, O., Liashko, V., Pyslar, A., Hrys, A. Research on the relationship between excessive use of social media and young athletes’ physical activity. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. 21(6). P. 3364-3373.

  1. An example of the article design (multiple authors) in the English version of References:

Hudimova, A., Popovych, I., Savchuk, O., Liashko, V., Pyslar, A., & Hrys, A. (2021). Research on the relationship between excessive use of social media and young athletes’ physical activity. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(6), 3364-3373.

Rules for Creating Links to the Sources Used

According to the example, references to the sources used are only given in round brackets in the text:

… It appears logical to examine genera-species relationships in a historical context, allowing us to trace the origin, development, and formation of the problem of individual social expectations (Popovych, 2017).

If the source page is mentioned, it is followed by a colon, as in:

… Individual social expectations are a process of mental regulation of behavior that is ensured by the individual’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioral readiness for the expected course of events (Popovych, 2017: 68).

An example of the monograph design in the Ukrainian version of the List of Used Sources (link from the KhSU repository):

Попович І. С. Психологічні виміри соціальних очікувань особистості. Херсон: ПАТ “ХМД”, 2017. 504 с.

An example of the monograph design in the English version of References, using transliteration (link from the KhSU repository):

Popovych, I. S. (2017). Psycholohichni vymiry socialnych ochikuvan osobystosti [Psychological dimensions of social expectations of personality]. Kherson: PJSCo “KTPH”.

Requirements for References and List of the Sources Used:

  • at least 15 sources, formatted according to APA standards in References and DSTU 8302:2015 in the List of the sources used;
  • at least half of the sources should reflect current scientific research and be from the last 2-3 years; 
  • no more than six self-citations are permitted for each co-author;
  • except for retro-editions, all sources must have a DOI, or digital object identifier, which appears after the bibliographic description. DOIs for publications can be found at; this identifier appears in the source link (for example,;
  • all sources (including retro-editions) must include a link to the source in the publication’s archives or the library’s repository. The link should not be any longer than the name of the cited source;
  • according to the requirements of influential journals indexed by Scopus, for References, a complete list of co-authors for each reference source is required (in contrast to the Ukrainian DSTU);
  • the attached bibliography should include a core of sources that have an impact on the development of a specific field of science, according to the recommendations of international citation bases (the core is a significant part of the general list);
  • on the online automatic citation creation site Citation Machine ( or another), you can create an APA-style bibliographic description;
  • the transliteration of names and surnames from the Ukrainian language is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 55 dated January 27, 2010 on the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin. Establishes the current rules for transliterating Ukrainian citizens’ surnames and names into Latin in foreign passports.
  • you can use the service for transliteration from the Ukrainian language; transliteration from other foreign languages into English is also required.
  • if the Ukrainian journal has an English version, an example of literature design is provided above.

Final provisions

  • it is inadmissible to submit materials non-compliance with the rules established by the editorial board, in violation of any requirements for publications;
  • it is not recommended to submit texts obtained with automatic translation programs;
  • you should not present unprepared, unprocessed by authors, materials;
  • the materials provided by the editorial staff for correction should not be delayed (the editorial board sets a deadline);
  • the accuracy of facts, statistics and other information is the responsibility of the author;
  • reprint (reissue) of the materials of the edition is allowed only with the permission of the author and the editor;
  • rejected articles are not reviewed, no reviews are provided to authors. The editorial board does not engage in dialogue with the authors;
  • the editorial board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject articles.

Thank you for your cooperation and contribution to science!