Perfectionism as a phenomenon of personal development of a modern student

Keywords: perfectionism, student’s youth, ideal, personality, maladaptation


The article investigates perfectionism as a psychologicalphenomenon that combines the subject’sdesire for perfection, the achievement of high personalmoral, aesthetic, and intellectual standards.Theoretical approaches to the study of perfectionismin Ukrainian and foreign scientific literature are analyzed. The genesis of personal perfectionism isstudied. It is revealed that the development of perfectionismis influenced by a system of motives, interests,and needs, which are closely related to such factorsas values, ideals, attitudes, and beliefs. Psychologicalcharacteristics of individuals with a tendencyto perfectionism and psychological characteristicsof individuals who are not prone to perfectionism arecompared. It is determined that the perfectionist orientationis initially socially marked. It is established thatthe formation of perfectionist tendencies is activelyinfluenced by the social environment. The purpose isto highlight the results of a study of the manifestationsof student youth’s perfectionism. Research methodsinclude tests, questionnaires, and quantitative analysis.11 males and 39 females participated in the study(n = 50). Results. It is established that students withpronounced indicators of perfectionism are characterizedby such volitional qualities as responsibility, attentiveness,ability to immerse themselves into work, butthey have low indicators of such strong-willed qualitiesas determination and persistence. Perfectionists arecharacterized by low self-esteem, especially in termsof intelligence, character, abilities, confidence, and independence.The highest possible difference betweenthe level of self-esteem and the level of demands.The individual-typological qualities of such studentsinclude extroversion, spontaneity, low level of labilityand anxiety, and high self-esteem. The ratio of self-esteemand the level of demands are moderate. Indicatorsof character, abilities and appearance, the averageself-esteem, are higher than the level of demands. Conclusions.The study indicates the existence of a significantpercentage of students with high and low levelsof perfectionism. Students with a high rate of perfectionismare characterized by a tendency to set unrealisticallyhigh standards, a compulsive aspirationof the unattainable, and an assessment of their selfvalueas a result of productivity only. They are a riskgroup in terms of further development of negative psycho-emotional states.


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How to Cite
Meloian, A. E., Belozorova, R. O., & Shelepun, A. S. (2021). Perfectionism as a phenomenon of personal development of a modern student. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (6), 11-27.