Development patterns of the idea of personal agency and its implementation in the domestic educational practice of the XXth century

  • Olena Ivanivna Halian,
Keywords: agency, theoretical-applied knowledge, logic of idea development, determination and transformation of idea, agency profile, educational process


The purpose of the article is to represent changesin the understanding and implementation of the ideaof personal agency of schoolchildren inherent in Ukrainianpedagogical discourse and actual practice of educationinstitutions in the XXth century. The above has forwardedthe research to the following areas of concern:to establish the dynamics of a cognitive-creative processof generating and implementing the idea of agencygiven its philosophical, psychological, educational-politicaland pedagogical-technological context; to createa general infographic periodization of the developmentof the idea of agency based on comparing profilesof agency of schoolchildren of the studied period ina particular territory. Methods: To solve the researchtasks, the author has used interpretational methods,particularly genesis one, that has made it possible toconclude about the development patterns of the idea of personal agency in the scientific-pedagogical discourseand introduced models of schoolchildren’s educationand upbringing; the modelling of the progressof the idea contributes to finding out the logicof its generating and transformation; a discourse-analysisfor the identification of a socio-cultural dimensionof the agency-related issues in the pedagogical ideasof the XXth century; a comparative analysis to compareagency profiles in the defined periods. Results. Development patterns and introduction of the ideaof a pupil’s personal agency are studied within threedimensions: philosophical-psychological (methodological),the coordinate system of which is a civilizationaltype of personality (classical, modern, postmodern),and society (monarchical, industrial, democratic, informationtechnology); educational and political, which isrendered on the axes of state reforms and pedagogical(including innovative) schools; pedagogical-technologicalcovering, on the one hand, the content-processaspect of educational, developmental and pedagogicaleffect of a teacher and, on the other hand, an effective-evaluation aspect of the pedagogical influencerepresented by new formations of a pupil and changesin the pedagogical situation. Conclusions. A logicof the development of a child’s agency in the domesticeducational theory and practice of the XXth centuryis rendered under the framework of shaping visionsof agency as a cultural demand of the socio-historicalformation, a generic feature of a representativeof the civilization, a component of pedagogical ideal,competencies and a specified level of a child’s development(a social demand for education), a note onhis social role as a means of involving the child intothe educational process, an opportunity for his self-realization.The key trends of the development of the ideaof a pupil’s agency concern the changes in socio-historicalformations and cultural-psychological typeof community and psychological type of a personalitybelonging to a specific epoch, worldviews and educationalparadigms, theoretical substantiation of a newpedagogical thesaurus and technology innovations ineducation institutions.


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How to Cite
Halian, O. I. (2021). Development patterns of the idea of personal agency and its implementation in the domestic educational practice of the XXth century. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (5), 82-99.