Results of approbation of the program for the development of active imagination and its building in adolescents

  • Yaryna Stepanivna Andrushko,
Keywords: imagination, active imagination, constellations of active imagination, program for development of active imagination


Active imagination is a kind of dialogue that a personconducts with different parts of “ego”. The article hasexpressed the need to introduce a comprehensiveprogram for the development of active imaginationand its constellations in adolescents. The purpose of the article is to elaborate a model for imaginationdevelopment, particularly active, in adolescents; tojustify the comprehensive program for the developmentof adolescents’ imagination at the psychologicallevel using pedagogical methods and to approbatethe comprehensive program in the educational space. Research methods: “The achievement motive” (modifiedby M. Mahomed-Eminova), “Diagnostics of personalcreativity” (O. Tunik), “Diagnostics of non-verbalcreativity” (a short form of the Torrance Test adaptedby A. Voronina), “Diagnostics of linguistic-cognitivecreativity” (T. Halkina, L. Aleksieieva). Results. Uponindicators of achievement motivation of adolescents, there is a prevalence of the motive to avoid failures thatindicates their low self-esteem, a lack of confidenceand organization etc. Most respondents have alsoshown average and below average levels of the developmentof non-verbal and verbal-cognitive creativity.The research has established that personal creativity isat the average development level, which is manifested incuriosity, the ability to imagine and complicity of thinking.An indicator of risk tolerance is at a low level givenrespondents’ tender age and adolescent crisis. Underdevelopedcreative component of active imaginationleads to the loss of further productivity of an adolescentand his becoming as a whole. Conclusions. Indicatorsof the ascertaining stage of the study have confirmedthe undeveloped active imagination of adolescentsand its main constellations that prompts the implementationof the program of psychological influenceon the development of imagination. Post-formativeactions have proved the availability of positive dynamicsin the development of active imagination and itsmain components at a statistically significant level.This is a key proof of the effectiveness of the author’scomprehensive program that approves its introductionin the psychological and pedagogical process of interactionbetween adolescents and grown-ups.


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How to Cite
Andrushko, Y. S. (2021). Results of approbation of the program for the development of active imagination and its building in adolescents. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (5), 67-81.