Research of psychological and pedagogical typologization of mental developmental delay of schoolchildren

  • Lesіa Ivanivna Prokhorenko,
  • Tetyana Mykolayivna Kostenko,
Keywords: typology, inclusion, cognitive processes, educational trajectory of the child, inclusive resource center


The study presents an analysis of developmentaldelay of schoolchildren. It is outlined that the studiedstate covers the whole mental sphere of the childand is reflected in the peculiarities of the developmentof cognitive processes, speech defects, immaturityof complex behaviors, shortcomings of purposefulactivity against the background of excessiveexhaustion, disability, encephalopathy disorders. The purpose of the study is to substantiate a psychologicaland pedagogical typology of developmental delayof students theoretically; to reveal key ways of organizingand optimizing the education of children with different types of developmental delay; to formrecommendations on the most optimal trajectoryof choosing an educational institution for them. Research methods – analysis and generalizationof the fundamentally important aspects of educationreform for people with special needs. To determinethe developmental delay of schoolchildren we usedk-means cluster analysis, to determine the relationshipbetween motivational, operational and reflexive-evaluative components of educational activitieswe used Pearson correlation analysis at p≤.01; р≤.05.Emphasis is placed on the progress of inclusion in general,the activities of inclusive resource centers (IRC),and preschool education of children with specialneeds and the realization of the opportunities of suchchildren in the educational environment. Results. Itis established that the hierarchy of mental disordersin developmental delay is different from intellectualdisability. It has been shown that developmentaldelay is characterized rather not by deficiencies inone’s thinking, in particular in the ability to abstractand generalize, but in the deficiency of “preconditions”of thinking, in cognitive processes: memory,attention, spatial gnosis, other higher cortical functions,and pace of mental processes. Conclusions. Itis proved that it is important to ensure the effectiveintegration of children with special educational needsinto the educational institution with correctly definededucational trajectory in view of their mental capabilitiesand educational and cognitive abilities.


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How to Cite
Prokhorenko, L. I., & Kostenko, T. M. (2020). Research of psychological and pedagogical typologization of mental developmental delay of schoolchildren. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (4), 111-131.