Student youth representation of psychological well-being: results of content analysis of works

  • Feng Ma,
  • Rosina Petrivna Shevchenko,
  • Natalia Viktorivna Karhina,
Keywords: well-being, psychological well-being, personality, content analysis, works-self-reports


The purpose of the article is to identify certain semantic features of lexical units. According to the respondents, they could be equivalent to the concepts of “psycholog­ical well-being” and “psychologically wealthy person”. The following methods were used in the study: theo­retical analysis of research on the problem of psycho­logical well-being of the personality; method of content analysis of self-reports. The research was conducted using conversation and content analysis of self-reports. Results. The components of a person’s psychological well-being are determined. As a result of the conversa­tion and the results of writing the work, it was found that the most used equivalents are: “vitality”, which was chosen by 71.14% of respondents, “life satisfaction” (67,07%), “happiness” (66,12%), “trust” and “free­dom” were chosen by 64,00%, “value of life” (62,15%), “self-sufficiency” (61,00%), “time” and “self-compre­hension” (60,7%), “spirituality” (60.2%), “satisfactory mental and physical condition of a person” (59.13%), “comprehension of the world” and “material well-being” (58,8%), “social stability” (58,1%), “justice” (57,9%), “meaningfulness of a life” and “courage” (56,40%), “will”, “self-efficacy” and “vitality” (56,20%), “optimism”, “emotional stability” and “positive attitude to the sur­rounding reality” (56,00%), etc. Data of the conversa­tions show that the concepts of psychological well-be­ing are ambiguous, as it has been indicated by the large number of equivalent categories. Conclusions. As a result of the conversation and writing the work, it has been found that the most used equivalent are vitality, life satisfaction, happiness, trust, freedom, value of life, self-sufficiency, time, self-understanding, spirituality. The results made it possible to identify personality traits that are hypothetically related to the psychological well-being of the personality. Quantitative distribution of units of analysis showed the selection of traits that are characteristic of a psychologically wealthy person, such as: life satisfaction, trust, value of life, courage, hardiness, independence, meaningfulness of life and optimism.


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How to Cite
Ma, F., Shevchenko, R. P., & Karhina, N. V. (2020). Student youth representation of psychological well-being: results of content analysis of works. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (3), 44-55.