Operationalization of Temporality of Future Professionals in the Field of Socionomics in the Dimensions of Psychological Well-being

Keywords: educational space, undergraduate, postgraduate, university, life perspective, time perspective, self-actualization


The purpose of the research is to theoretically substantiate and empirically operationalize temporality of future professionals in the field of socionomics in the dimensions of psychological well-being. The purpose and hypothesis entail the following important tasks of the research: to find statistically significant differences of the research parameters between the samples of undergraduate students (seeking a Bachelor’s degree) and postgraduate students (seeking a Master’s degree); to establish statistically significant correlations of temporality with independent variables; to compare the samples of the respondents of an optimal profile (Group II) and the respondents of a general profile (Group I). Methods: theoretical – analysis, generalization and comparison; empirical – the questionnaire “Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory” (ZTPI) (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999), adapted by О. Senyk (2012); the questionnaire “The scales of psychological well-being” (SPW) (Ryff & Keyes, 1995) adapted by S. Karskanova (2011); the average score of the students’ academic performance was calculated using ECTS (a 100-point scale). Results. It was found that undergraduates (Group I) have a significant advantage only by one parameter – “future” (F) (U=612.000; p=.003). A correlation matrix was created. Ten significant correlations (р≤.05; р≤.01) of the parameters of time perspective with independent variables were registered. The total sample was divided into two groups: an optimal profile (Group 2) and a general profile (Group 1). An expected advantage of an optimal profile was registered by four scales: “life purpose” (t = 3.12; р < .010), “positive relationships” (t = 2.42; р < .050), “level of psychological well-being” (t = 2.21; р < .050) and “average score of academic performance” (t = 2.45; р < .050). Discussion and сonclusions. It was explained that a statistically significant advantage of the sample of undergraduates over the sample of postgraduates by the positive future (PF) (U=612.000; p>.010) is a high level of optimistic intentions in life perspective, a lack of negative or any other experience of practical activity and belief in one’s own success. It was substantiated that a life purpose in an optimal profile is a major dimension which has the highest level of a statistically significant difference (р < .010) in comparison with a general profile. It was generalized that operationalization of temporality of future professionals in the field of socionomics in the dimensions of psychological well-being possesses scientific novelty, and the obtained empirical data should be taken into consideration by organizers of educational process at universities.


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How to Cite
Zavatskа N., Petrenko M., Zavatskyi V., & Zhyharenko I. (2023). Operationalization of Temporality of Future Professionals in the Field of Socionomics in the Dimensions of Psychological Well-being. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (10), 156-173. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2023-10-8