• Ihor Myhailovych Halian,
Keywords: personal responsibility, indicator of responsibility, components of responsibility, factor structure of responsibility, optimal level of responsibility, suboptimal level of responsibility, correlation analysis


Purpose. The purpose of the publication is to analyze the factors that contribute to the development of personal responsibility.

Methods. The study has used diagnostic techniques that measure the level of responsibility (O. Krupnov’s “Responsibility” questionnaire) and personal traits (16-PF Kettell test). Responsibility has been defined as factor G, which is revealed through obligatoriness, discipline, honesty, accuracy, neatness, diligence and others. Indicators of the “Responsibility” questionnaire scales contributed to the functional analysis of responsibility according to such components as: dynamic, emotional, regulatory, regulatory-dynamic (operational), motivational, cognitive one. The complex liability parameter was determined by the sum of the liability indices of the four components mentioned above. Factor analysis contributed to the separation of responsibility structure of the subjects.

Results. It is established that future teachers with an optimal level of responsibility will have a clearer understanding of the responsibility and a meaningful desire for its realization. They are characterized by harmonious personal characteristics, which are manifested in the variability of goals and intentions to the expression of responsibility, expressed motivation, social activity, internal regulation, optimism and high efficiency. Future teachers with a suboptimal level of responsibility have found a lack of awareness of responsibility, its external self-regulation, low rank positions of harmonious personal characteristics, lack of purposefulness and motivation, as well as social passivity.

Conclusions. Therefore, a comprehensive study of responsibility is possible in case of providing the use of a systematic approach that helps to reveal its integral quality in the organization of human life. Responsibility is most closely linked to some personal factors (according to R. Kettell) that are realized through learning, developing independence, confidence, personal well-being.

In our opinion, it is promising to study the relationship of personal responsibility with individual typological personal traits.


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How to Cite
Halian, I. M. (2019). PERSONAL DETERMINANTS OF RESPONSI BILITY OF FUTURE EDUCATORS. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (1), 15-21.