• Anna Oleksandrivna Chkhaidze,
  • Olesia Mykolayivna Samkova,
Keywords: stress resistance, vitality, self-regulation, factors of psychological stability, young men


Annotation. An overview of psychological stability problem, basic conditions for its maintaining and factors that shape the psychological stability of the personality have been provided in the article. Based on scientific sources, we have identified that psychological stability is a holistic personal characteristic, which ensures its resilience to the frustration and stress-producing impact of difficult situations. The article’s purpose is conducting an empirical research of psychological stability in adolescence.

Methods. The following empirical methods were used to investigate the peculiarities of psychological stability: an interview, an observation, testing to investigate the peculiarities of young men's psychological stability (D. McLaine Indefinite Tolerance Scale (validation of E. G. Lukovitska), diagnostics of self-actualization of personality (A. V. Lazukin in adaptation by N. F. Kalina), diagnostic technique of level of reflexivity development by A. V. Karpov, the research methodology of self-assessment of personality (S. A. Budassi), the psychological well-being scale of K. Ryff (version of T. D. Shevelenkova – T. P. Fesenko), methodology for determining coping strategies (R. Lazarus), methodology for the study of anxiety by Ch. Spielberger (adaptation by Yu. L. Hanin), subjective wellbeing scale of G. Perrudet-Badoux (adaptation by M. V. Sokolova); and math-statistical data processing methods.

Results. We have determined in an empirical research that the basic prerequisites for the formation of psychological stability are: positive selfesteem, flexibility, openness to new experiences, the presence of personally meaningful goals in life, ability to concentrate on solving actual tasks in the present, internal control locus, reflexivity, and humanitarian position.

There are two important factors that underlie the formation of the psychological stability of the young man’s personality: “man as an open system” (ability to focus on events in the present; the need for cognition, openness to the new, the desire for creativity and the ability to solve non-standard problems, flexibility in communication, developed capacity for reflection, internal control locus, motivation for personal growth and development, adaptive anxiety level and state of psychological well-being) and “accepting yourself” (a positive view of human nature, selfunderstanding, autosympathy, high adequate self-esteem, state of subjective well-being).

Conclusions. The indicators of the psychological stability development have been determined, which can be taken as criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the formation program of this personal characteristic, which include the adaptive level of anxiety and subjective well-being.


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How to Cite
Chkhaidze, A. O., & Samkova, O. M. (2019). PECULIARITIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STABILITY IN YOUTH AGE. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (1), 51-58.