Eating behavior as a form of self-attitude
The article focuses on the study of personalityself-attitudes and the type of eating behavior. Thecorrelation, comparison and qualitative analysisare an attempt to understand the relationshipbetween the type of eating behavior and attitudeof the individual to himself. The obtained results helpa better understanding and differentiation of a person'sformation, expressed through self-attitudes and itsderivatives, which form the self-concept of personality,which, in turn, makes it possible to further introducethis experience into psychocorrectional assistanceto a person, in particular: to draw up a program forcorrecting a person’s self-attitude, which, in turn, willhelp balance his eating behavior. The purpose is tostudy the type of eating behavior and its relationshipwith a person's attitude to himself. Research methods:During the study, the following methods were applied: correlation, comparative and qualitative analysis,tests with standardized questionnaires. Results: Withthe help of comparative and qualitative analysis, threetypes of eating behavior were analyzed and comparedwith the characteristics of self-esteem, and it was foundthat the key scales by which groups are differentiatedare: integral scale S “self-relation” (p≤.029) and scale“self-acceptance” (р≤.039). In a comparative analysisof the data obtained from the experimental and controlgroups, it was found that the eating behavior forthe respondents of the experimental group (witheating disorders) is characterized by high tensionin two types: emotional and external types of eatingbehavior. Conclusions. The study of the "self-relation"factor, which is a structural component of the “Self”,also reveals differences between the two groups. It isconcluded that eating disorders are closely related tothe balance of structural components of the self, suchas: self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-interest, which, inturn, affect the psycho-emotional state of a person.
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