• Olena Mykolaivna Tanasiichuk,
Keywords: psychological help, exhaustion, cynicism, professional reduction, psychoprophylaxis


Abstract. The article presents a scheme of psychocorrection exercises designed to work with hospital staff, namely nurses who have signs of emotional burnout syndrome. The principles, content, tools and methodical methods of training on emotional burnout were disclosed for the formation of adaptive personal-environmental coping resources, which would facilitate the implementation of psycho-corrective measures to overcome the manifestations of emotional burnout in this professional environment. The need for timely psychological assistance for mental health and a sense of overall life satisfaction are emphasized.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of practical work with the syndrome of emotional burnout. To establish the study of the severity of the syndrome was used the method of «Diagnosis of emotional burnout» V. Boyko. The choice was related to time and resource constraints and fully met the purpose of psychodiagnostic research. Psychocorrection work was constructed in accordance the methodological requirements.

Results. It has been found that the formation of the «emotional burnout» syndrome begun in the starting of the professional path, the basis of which is emotional involvement in patients' problems, socio-economic insecurity and legal regulation of labor standards. It is established that the psychocorrective training program has its effectiveness, but is not completed.

Conclusions. Based on the results of the psychodiagnostic study, a training psychocorrection program for nurses was developed, the effectiveness of which was proved by the emotional responses of the participants and feedback. Further perspectives of psychological work on overcoming the symptoms of occupational burnout syndrome are outlined.


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How to Cite
Tanasiichuk, O. M. (2019). PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION OF NURSES` EMOTIONAL BURNOUT SYNDROME. Insight: The Psychological Dimensions of Society, (1), 41-46.